Observatory Hill


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2927 Oak Park Road

2927 Oak Park Road

This home was purchased in July of 2000 from the estate of Mrs. Margaret Demmy. In her late 80’s when she passed, she lived most of her adult life at this residence. She moved in with her husband and his parents. Her husband passed away nearly 30 years before her. Mrs. Demmy was a nurse at Allegheny General Hospital. She took excellent care of the house and retained the natural woodwork throughout the home. Note the beautifully polished wood banister on the staircase, the French doors to the sunroom and the built-in china hutches in both corners of the dining room.

The new owner began transforming the gardens in the summer of 2000. Gradually all of the grass was removed and replaced by perennial flower gardens. The garden ornament in the center of the rear garden is called an armillary sphere and is covered with a clematis vine during the summer months. The statue of lovers in an embrace was rescued from the garden of a home under demolition in Deep Creek Lake, MD.